The new Life Long Learning Bill

The Ministry of Education opens the doors of AEI and TEI to private colleges graduates

The Ministry of Education, through the system of earned credits, will allow graduates of private colleges and vocational training institutes, entrance to TEI and AEI. 

The qualifications a person acquires after high school will translate into ‘credits’ and facilitate access to university. This system is implemented in many European Union countries.

With the new bill the higher education ‘map’ in our country opens, colleges are certified and controlled by the state, Vocational Training Institutes are upgraded and the National Qualification Framework (NQF) is fully implemented.

The aim is all these systems to be operational from this academic year (2013-2014) thus allowing everyone to take advantage of the system and gather the credits one needs to pass from one educational level to the next.

It goes without saying that this system cannot give a post-secondary education graduate access to the Athens Medical School, but certainly creates the conditions for entry into TEI and university departments.

According to sources from the Ministry of Education, in this way, a ‘certified window’ is created that will link formal and non-formal education systems.

“This is a more open educational system; one that neither divides its graduates into categories nor isolates them”, said the same source.

In the first phase, the ministry investigates the possibility of implementing the new system in the Hellenic Open University (EAP). EAP selects its candidates by draw.

The ministry would like to see a percentage of candidates entering Open University through the credit system.


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