Unite for Quality Education

On the 4 October 2013, EI is launching a year of action, an initiative for quality education around the world that will culminate on a World Day of Action in October 2014. 

EI and ETUCE invite everybody who cares about the education of our children to join forces with us in our call for a ‘Better Quality Education for a Better World’.

“Unite for Quality Education - Better quality education for a better world” is the EI campaign to ensure that universal, free quality education remains at the top of the political agenda for a sustainable future.

The purpose is to call on inter-governmental agencies, governments and public education authorities everywhere to put in place the three essential elements of a quality education:

• universal and free access to quality teachers,
• modern teaching tools and resources and
• supportive, safe and secure environments for teaching and learning.

The campaign will be launched at parallel events by the President of Education International, Susan Hopgood and Ban Ki Moon, UN General Secretary, at the UN in New York and by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, Martin Rømer, ETUCE European Director and Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General at UNESCO in Paris. 

There will be education forums held at both venues in conjunction with the launch. Many EI member organisations are planning special ‘Unite for Quality Education’ events in their own countries on the following day, 5 October 2013, World Teachers’ Day.

ETUCE will hold a Special meeting on “What is needed to improve the Quality of Education in Europe?” in Brussels on 23 October 2013 where experts on quality education will share their knowledge and a forum will provide ample opportunity to discuss measures, strategies and tools that are needed to improve the quality of education in Europe.

The following speakers have already confirmed their attendance: Androulla Vassilliou, European Commissioner for Education and Culture, Saulius Zybartas from the Lithuanian Presidency, and a representative of the OECD.

The campaign website address, www.unite4education.org, is hosting a dedicated web portal, which will be unveiled at the launch events.


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