Generations @ school 2013 competition winners

After last year’s success, the European Commission has organised the second edition of the intergenerational project generations @ school 2013. In honour of the European Year of Citizens 2013, teachers, pupils and older people were invited to organise intergenerational discussions about Europe, its past, its present and what old and young can do together for building the Europe of tomorrow while also gaining a better understanding of each other. In this second edition over 300 schools from all over Europe entered the competition, sharing their activities with text, photos and videos on the project website. A national and European evaluation process and Jury meeting assessed the entries for their creativity, inspiration, intensity of the intergenerational interaction and thematic presence of the EY Citizens. In three categories, the most outstanding generations @ school activities have been awarded with great prizes.

Category “under 15’s” winners

The winner of the under 15’s category generations @ school 2013 competition was the 7th Kindergarten of Ierapetra, Crete, with the activity: Knowing my past, I know myself better. The 5-year-old pupils created an original photographic album, starring themselves, which represented how life was in the past. The children took information by interviewing their grandparents. Their grandparents also had the chance to visit the school, bring some old objects and tools and explain their uses to the children. Afterwards, the pupils acted out certain scenes of the olden days using these objects; the teachers photographed them and printed the pictures in black and white in order to get a feel of the past. The result of this cooperation was an original and intergenerational “album of memories”.



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