Tο πρόγραμμα των ομιλιών με μία ματιά


Σάββατο 14/3 Κυριακή 15/3
    Attica Olympia Attica Olympia
    Register Online
10:00 10:30        
10:30 11:00 Panel Discussion -
Problems EFL Teachers Face
  Interactive Presentation
The Global Spread of English/ English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)
11:00 11:30    
11:30 12:00 MM Publications
Young Stars

Maria Windsor
Writing skills

MM Publications
Young Stars

Maria Windsor
Writing skills

12:00 12:30
12:30 13:00

Express Publishing
New Thinking, New Opportunities

Dr Luke Prodromou
Performance skills in the making of effective teaching

Express Publishing
New Thinking, New Opportunities
Dr Luke Prodromou
Coursebooks: what good are they?
13:00 13:30
13:30 14:00 Burlington Books
Burlington Webkids

Andrew Betsis & Lawrence Mama
Exams Update

Burlington Books
Top Team
Andrew Betsis & Lawrence Mamas
Exams Update
14:00 14:30 Burlington Books
Real English B2
14:30 15:00 Super Course Publishing

Maria Windsor
Speak out! 

Express Publishing
Presentation Skills: Training and Development for the 21st Century
Maria Windsor
Speak out! 
15:00 15:30 Studytours
2 brand new programmes announced to the Greek market!
Burlington Books
Burlington Webkids
15:30 16:00

Dr Luke Prodromou
Coursebooks: what good are they?

16:00 16:30 Γιώργος Δαλιάνης
Μεταβίβαση και ∆ιαδοχή στις Οικογενειακές Επιχειρήσεις
Panel Discussion
Problems EFL Teachers Face
16:30 17:00    
17:00 17:30 Σεμινάριο Δυσλεξίας   All the World’s a Stage: A Celebration of William Shakespeare  
17:30 18:00    
18:00 18:30      
18:30 19:00      




ELT News

ELT News