New York College Thessaloniki – Scholarships to study English Language and English Language Teaching

New York College Thessaloniki is offering 4 scholarships for the 3year Bachelor Degree Programme, BA (Hons) in ‘English and English Language Teaching’ of the University of Greenwich, UK which is offered in Thessaloniki. The scholarships range from 70% to 100% and the selection is based on academic, need specific (financial, social), and career specific (professional experience) criteria. 

Candidates will have to come to New York College; 6, Katsimidi str. Thessaloniki, to apply for a scholarship by October 21st. The scholarships will be announced on October 23rd.

Contact persons
Mrs Eleftheriadou Αλεξάνδρα
tel. +302310856557

Mrs Malkogiorgou Foteini
Academic Director of the English Department
tel. +302310889.879


ELT News

ELT News