Cambridge English Southern Europe Experts in Language Assessment: Is there a gender gap in English Language proficiency?

Have you ever wondered whether there are differences in performance between girls and boys in english language tests?

Cambridge English Language Assessment colleagues presented insights from a test of academic English at a recent Cambridge Assessment conference on gender.

According to research study led by Dr Agnieszka Walczak Dr Ardeshir Geranpayeh into 16-19 year olds in 35 countries, there is a global picture of stronger female English language ability in all language skills, more saliently in performance skills. This difference, though, is within the standard error of the test, so practically not significant.

Romania seems to be one of the few countries where male candidates seem to perform slightly better than female candidates.

You can find information about the conference as well as videos and slides from the talk here. Look for: ‘The Gender Gap in English Language Proficiency? Insights from a Test of Academic English’.





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