New website will connect EFL teachers to multiple jobs

The newly launched is seeking ESL teachers looking for a free, reliable, and efficient way to find the best teaching opportunities in China. The platform is geared to teachers looking to teach in China or online.

The platform looks to rise above the rushing noise of  job posts and dubious recruiters. Our goal is for teachers to have the best possible experience finding quality long-term students through us for their next challenge…and adventure. The way we do this is by connecting them with the right people who pay you on-time, regularly, and correctly using an approach unique to the industry. invites prospective ESL and English teachers to meet with employers who have also registered.

By providing an even playing field, teachers have the opportunity to communicate with multiple schools and English institutions. Meanwhile, employers have an opportunity to communicate with qualified teachers.

With more than 300,000 English Institutions in China, choosing the right school can seem challenging. Matched with an industry surpassing $4 Billion yearly, the web is rife with job ads and recruiters looking for teachers. looks to engage English teachers with registered and reputable schools and companies. 

Hioffer’s unique approach is a first for recruiting in China.  “We want to change the ESL industry with our Hioffer online platform,” says founder Zheng Jinli. Primarily, the unique approach is in the benefits and services offered all registered and active teachers as well as those who accept a job through the platform.

Salary Protection. If a teacher accepts an offer through the platform, they are guaranteed their salary if the school or company doesn’t pay or goes under the teacher will still receive their salary. 

Continuing Career Education. Hioffer gives registered teachers the option to get their teaching certificate (CELTA, TEFL, TESOL, DELTA) at a discounted rate if they do not currently hold one. The partner training centers and university associations are located all over the world as well as online. was developed to address many of the particular concerns when it comes to accepting work abroad. Additional services such as travel and banking assistance are provided when a teacher accepts a job through the platform. For the newly arrived teacher, necessities such as phone cards and public transportation is coordinated as well. Hioffer will assist applicants during the process and even after they are hired, providing benefits to those who are recruited through the platform.

Founded in 2017 and officially launched in March, Hioffer is headquartered in Beijing, China with division offices located in the United States, Europe (Italy), South Africa, Philippines, and Thailand. The global team is ready to assist any teacher who is ready to challenge themselves to a new career online or in China. Together, let’s change the industry for the better.

Certified ESL teachers seeking safe and legitimate work opportunities online or abroad can visit, or email Colina Rosner at


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