CyTEA Annual Conference

CyTEA Annual Conference -Language Teaching challenges in a globalized world

18-19 November 2017, European University, Nicosia, Cyprus


The role of English as a lingua franca in today’s globalized world is an undeniable fact which has accelerated the demand for fluency in English around the world and the need to improve the quality of teaching and learning in language teaching classrooms.

Throughout the twentieth century, there has been an ongoing change of language teaching approaches and methods, which, have been informed by different assumptions related to the language knowledge and skills required by students in different educational contexts and the ways second / foreign languages are learnt and taught.
These assumptions, in turn, have led to a number of implications for the education of language teachers.

Considering the fact that the field of language teaching and learning is subject to constant changes, this year’s conference focuses on the reconceptualization of language competence in today’s globalized world, the new approaches adopted by language teachers in different educational contexts and levels and the instructional approaches used by teacher educators and teacher trainers in preparing language teachers to deal with the challenges of the language teaching profession.

If you are interested in presenting at the conference, we are seeking paper, workshop and poster presentations, as per the instructions following.

Please note that the issues discussed at the conference are not limited to the learning and teaching of English as a foreign/second language but to ANY foreign language.

If you wish you can submit your abstract and further details (word document) to

We hope you will consider participating in this exciting conference!

CyTEA committee

Conference Rates:

CyTEA Members



30 €

40 €

20 €

Membership Fee: 20 EURO

Final Abstract Submission Deadline: September 10, 2017

We solicit papers on all areas of interest to the Language Learning community and aligned fields, including but not limited to the following themes:
 - English as a Lingua Franca

 - Intercultural Education

 - Learning at a distance

 - Formal and informal education

 - Gaming and Gamification

 - ESP – Rethinking Language Competence

 - Teacher Education

 - Native vs. Non-Native Language Teachers

 - Research into language teaching & learning

 - Innovative teaching methodologies

 - New approaches to teacher training

Other themes relevant to language learning can also be considered.

The conference aims to offer both academic papers as well as insights from practitioners and practical workshops. Proposals are accepted in the following presentation formats:

Paper: (30 minutes) – This presentation format includes talks which discuss and describe work related to theory, research or practice (20 min presentation with 10 min for discussion).

Workshop: (1 hour) – This presentation format is aimed to give presenters a chance to share ideas, thoughts, techniques and/or materials in an interactive way.

Poster: - This presentation format can be used to visually display a research project, a recommended technique or other innovative ideas and suggestions.

Working language: The conference working language will be English. No translation will be provided.

Proposal submissions

Please submit your proposal as a word document to

 Your proposal should include:

 1. A 200-word abstract

 2. First name, last names and affiliation

 3. A short bio

 4. Contact details (email, telephone and postal address)

 Conference selections

Presenters are encouraged to submit a report /full paper of their presentation for Conference Selections by Friday, 22nd December, 2017.

Criteria for selection:

Papers must not exceed 800 words in length including figures and references.

They must be interesting and/or relevant to readers outside your immediate context.

 They should have the format of a paper – avoid the use of bullets as they appear on PowerPoint slides.

They must not be sent in PDF format and must not contain headers, footers or page numbers.

 Please submit your paper as an attachment by email to:

For more details you can contact: Stella Kourieos: 99425520 / Chryso Pelekani: 99434581


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