Luke Prodromou

Luke Prodromou graduated in English with Greek from Bristol University; he has an MA in Shakespeare Studies from Birmingham University;  a Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language (Leeds University, with distinction) and a Ph.D (Nottingham University), published as English as a Lingua Franca: a Corpus-based analysis (Continuum, 2010).  He is also the co-author of over 20 Coursebooks and several teachers’ handbooks: Mixed Ability Classes, and the award-winning Dealing with Difficulties(with Lindsay Clandfield) – and, for students, Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First (Longman). Luke is a founder member of Disabled Access Friendly Campaign for whom he wrote and performed the Wheelchair Sketch. He has been a plenary speaker at numerous international ELT conferences, including IATEFL.  He was for many years a teacher and teacher-trainer with the British Council. He has also worked for ESADE, Barcelona, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Thessaloniki, Pilgrims Canterbury, NILE, Bell Schools et al.  He currently teaches literature to Spanish teachers in Madrid, and Language Teaching Methodology as a Part-time Lecturer on the MA in Applied Linguistics with TESOL, at The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, Thessaloniki. (Email:


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