Want to share your ideas with ELT NEWS readers?

Are you passionate about teaching? Do you want to share your ideas with the rest of the ELT Community? If you believe that you have an original idea that will genuinely help others in their work then send us your article of maximum 1000 words and we will review it. The best ones will be published in the forthcoming issues of ELT NEWS.


How to submit contributed articles to ELT NEWS and tips on getting published.


Submission Requirements

Articles for submission should be in English and must not have been previously published or submitted to any other publication. It is important that papers be copy-edited carefully before submission. Drafts are not acceptable.


We are looking for articles that introduce new ideas and generate discussion on topics and trends that are of interest to our readers. A lively, polished writing that balances research with personal experience and/or tips will be appreciated.


Although we encourage articles drawing from your own experiences in teaching to support your ideas, excessive self-promotion (or your Language School) will prevent us from publishing your article. 


Formatting the Article

The article should be prepared according to the following guidelines:

  1. The length of articles should be between 1000-1200 words.
  2. Each article should have  title, author’s name and a short bio.
  3. Please use section headings in bold type.
  4. All citations should be in endnotes and not in the text.
  5. We prefer Microsoft Word documents, as they translate best for our graphic design department. Please do not send PDF files or files with embedded references. 
  6. Articles should be sent to editorial@eltnews.gr




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