
MakeaWish is back again but this time the process is different

Step 1: Leave a review in the review section of our Facebook page

Step 2: Leave your wish in the comment section with your institution's name, location and your designation in the institution. What all you can wish for?

  1. Accreditation of DRPF, Ministry of Education, Macedonia
  2. To be certified as Certified Sustainable School by Sustainable Schools Society, Europe
  3. Nomination fees for Project Education Leader for Change Awards 2018 to be paid by Project Education
  4. Wish my institute to become a member of UNGC. The last date for making a wish is September 20th and you can start making your wish now.

Please note that, if your wish is granted then the fees for such procedures to be paid by Project Education. However you are only required to pay the overheads or application fees (wherever applicable)


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