Scholarships for Greek Citizens

Recruitment for all educational exchange programs is based on open, and fair national competition, and on individual merit and academic excellence. Transparency in the selection process is assured through clearly defined eligibility criteria and requirements. Fulbright Greece is fully committed to recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every person, and to the provision of equal rights and opportunities.

Fulbright Greece awards scholarships for academic research and/or lecturing, degree programs, and professional development in all disciplines at any accredited U.S. university/institution. Candidates select and apply to U.S. university departments/institutions directly and independently.

Fulbright is much more than a scholarship – Fulbright gives scholars the opportunity to have a transformative cultural and academic experience and provides unrivaled support both during and after the Fulbright grant period. Receiving a Fulbright Award opens many doors and offers unparalleled global networking opportunities.

Please carefully read all instructions of the Scholarship Program of your choice before you register:

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program
For faculty members or researchers with a Ph.D. degree followed by a minimum of four years of professional experience in any field of study who wish to lecture and/or conduct research at universities or research institutions in the United States.The program also includes a limited number of awards for postdoctoral researchers who completed their Ph.D. degree less than four years ago and who are affiliated with a Greek institution of higher education or research institution. Applicants must secure an institutional affiliation in the United States. Fulbright grants are awarded for minimum of three months. Recipients may continue their project under the Fulbright auspices for up to six months (maximum eligible period) only if funding from sources other than the Fulbright Foundation is obtained. In that case, proof of funds is required. Equal preference is given to applicants in the Humanities & Social Sciences and Sciences & Business

Fulbright Foreign Student Program: Visiting Research Students
For students currently enrolled as Ph.D. candidates at a recognized institution of higher education in Greece who would benefit from a short term research period - trimester or semester - in the United States. Strong emphasis will be placed on topic, stage and level of research, and detailed proposal.

Fulbright Foreign Student Program: Graduate Students
For students who hold a Bachelor's degree from a recognized institution of higher education in Greece and possess a superior academic record. Grants are awarded in most fields to pursue graduate study in the United States and are contributed towards the first academic year. Equal preference is given to applicants in the Humanities & Social Sciences and Sciences & Business.

Fulbright Foreign Student Program: Artists
For practicing/working artists in any field of fine arts, creative writing, music, theatre, dance, performance, cinematography, photography, and digital media who wish to grow a higher level of proficiency, to enhance their career, seek advancement opportunities and familiarize with the U.S. cultural scene. The Foundation looks for well defined/sustainable projects that are innovative and may lead to future collaborations between the United States and Greece. Applicants should establish an affiliation with an educational institution and/or cultural organization in the United States, that will host them during their Fulbright grant period, that offer structured educational or vocational training programs and/or coursework on a regular basis over academic semesters sufficient to satisfy Fulbright and J-1 visa regulations. This award is NOT for candidates seeking a degree.

Fulbright Foreign Student Program: Artist Residency
The Fulbright Foundation in Greece will select one candidate among creative practitioners for participation in the Santa Fe Art Institute’s International Thematic Residency Program. SFAI implements yearlong thematic programing that address pertinent questions facing diverse regional and global communities. Candidates are selected on the basis of academic excellence, potential for professional development, civic engagement, extra-curricular activities, the applicant’s ability to creatively and critically engage with the theme of the residency season for which they are applying, and personal qualities/abilities to serve as a cultural ambassador for Greece. The selection focuses on the professional experience of the artist, the quality of their past work, and their potential to sustain productive residency at SFAI.

Fulbright Schuman Program for EU Citizens
The Fulbright Schuman Program, administered by the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States and Belgium, is jointly financed by the U.S. State Department and the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission. The program funds pre-and post-doctoral research, and lecture proposals in the field of U.S.-EU relations, EU policy, or EU institutions for interested American and EU citizens. Successful project proposals will observe an issue of common concern from a comparative perspective and will bear significance for more than one EU member state. Candidates are responsible for organizing their own affiliation with an accredited university, vocational training/professional institution, or independent research center in the EU or the U.S.

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers
For Greek primary and secondary school educators who hold full-time teaching positions in any subject. Primary and secondary level library media specialists, guidance counselors, curriculum specialists, special education coordinators, and other educators including administrators who work with primary and/or secondary students at least fifty percent of their time may also apply. The Fulbright DAI brings international primary and secondary teachers to the United States for a semester-long program beginning in January to pursue individual or group projects, audit courses for professional development at a host university, and observe and share their expertise with teachers and students at the host university and local primary and secondary schools.

Study of the United States Institutes for Secondary School Educators
For secondary school educators involved in the teaching of English and professionals in curriculum development, teacher training and textbook writing. Study of the United States Institutes is a five-week academic training program and its purpose is to improve the quality of teaching and enhance the development of curricula in educational institutions and school systems outside the United States. Institute programs are held at university campuses throughout the United States and focus on a particular theme or topic in American Studies.

Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders from Europe - Summer Institutes
The Summer Institutes for Student Leaders from Europe are five-week academic Institutes for young people aged 18-25, first through third year undergraduates at a Greek institution of higher education. The Institutes are held in the United States during the summer (June/July). The program is supported and fully funded by the Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Participation is open to students from EU countries regardless of race, color, age, gender, national origin, religion, or disability. All activities will be conducted in English.

Building Bridges Program
For Greek professionals in the fields of social work and NGO administration who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills by observing and interacting with colleagues in the United States. The Building Bridges Program is a six-week professional development program under the Civil Society Theme: Social Services and NGO Administration. The program focuses on personal development, professional development, and community impact. In addition to fostering introspection and career development, the program aims to give participants the tools to better understand their host community in the U.S. and their own hometowns and to build a bridge to connect the two communities internationally. Participants will live with host families during their six weeks.

Salzburg Global Seminar
For mid career, senior level professionals in political, social, and cultural areas. The Salzburg Seminar, one of the world's leading international educational centers, is dedicated to promoting the exchange of ideas in a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural environment to participants from 100 countries around the world. Partial grants are awarded to attend five-day long seminars held in Salzburg, Austria that tackle themes related to human progress: imagination, sustainability and justice.

You can locate answers to most frequently asked questions at: Questions and Answers

Scholarship recipients are announced annually during June – July and can be found on the Fulbright Scholarship Program Timeline which includes grants awarded since 1948.  

Additional Information
Fulbright grantees agree that their names and photographs taken in the context of their grant period / award or on the occasion of official events of the Fulbright Foundation can be used for publications of the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foundation including social media postings and website postings and newsletter announcements.


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