Teaching the Guerilla Way

Obviously, Guerilla is no Gorilla and luckily as parents, we have overcome the need to carry our babies on our chest everywhere. Or not? Let’s leave the question open, to analyze it in another article or you can provide a few answers to exchange our views. You are all welcome!

Guerilla teaching is a brilliant idea and it has borrowed its name from the very well-known Guerilla marketing concept, which I adore by the way.

Here are a few successful examples of Guerilla marketing:

So, yes in a few words Guerilla Marketing is connected with the element of innovation, humour, surprise, and best of all, it’s a low-budget practice, so -theoretically- it’s something anyone could possibly put into practice.

Now, let’s try to see how to make it work in teaching.

First of all, you need to label yourself as the Guerilla teacher. And I am using the word label because everyone should know about it, not just you. It’s not that you wake up one day trying to convince yourself that you are already one. Your colleagues need to know about it so that they cooperate with you. You see the element of surprise is directed to students, not fellow teachers. To innovate and surprise, you need ideas, brainstorming, to go off the beaten track, together as a team. You, the Guerilla teacher, can be the inspiring and leading force and the rest of the team will be the Guerilla trainees.

One entry experiment you can all try is the guest star appearances in other classrooms or online rooms. This experiment should have certain rules, of course, like how long each one should stay in each other’s teaching space, who accepts the guest appearances (you might have teachers that are a bit shy by nature or a bit reserved). This shouldn’t be seen as a new kind of control or some kind of assessment — there will be reactions if so and the flow of the lesson won’t be natural. I remember my practical observations while I was studying to be a teacher. The lessons I attended were marvelous but everyone was so well prepared to impress that I thought that I was attending a lecture from 14-year olds.

Going back to the clear rules of the experiment, those who consent should somehow let others know. Either by sticking something on their classroom door or by emailing everyone that they will be taking part in this new surprise project.

Also, there shouldn't be any pre-decided list of questions or interventions. The teacher should just step in, listen to what is being done and start some kind of interaction with the kids, connected to the topic they were working on with their teacher (questions, quizzes, role-play, pantomime, etc.)

Easy, unexpected, and fun. That’s the spirit of Guerilla teaching.

This was just an example. I am pretty sure that you all, the Guerilla teachers have already done things of that style without knowing exactly that you were using Guerilla teaching techniques. For more ideas and Info, I would suggest that you read this book: http://guerrillaeducation.co.uk/books/

Let’s all take it a step further. We all need a change of scenery. Why not add a little bit of wit to the recipe?


*Driven by the belief that committed individuals can and do make a difference, Guerrilla Education represents a one-man mission to change education from the ground up.

Created by award winning teacher, education consultant and author Jonathan Lear, Guerrilla Education brings a refreshingly brave and inspiringly optimistic approach to ensuring our young people get the education they deserve.

By Natassa Manitsa


I love Psychology, ELT, Education in general, Marketing, Communication and somehow I seem to be combining all that. I love Love too. More than anything.




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