Social Media through the Lens of Logotherapy


Social media has become an integral part of modern life, shaping the way we communicate, share information, and interact with others. Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy, a school of existential psychology, offers a unique perspective for analysing the impact of social media on individuals and society. This article will delve into the principles of Logotherapy and explore how they can be applied to understand the dynamics of social media.

Logotherapy: A Brief Overview

Logotherapy, developed by Viktor Frankl, posits that the primary human drive is the search for meaning in life. Frankl argues that individuals can find purpose and meaning even in the most challenging circumstances by identifying their unique “will to meaning.” This approach focuses on the importance of personal responsibility, self-awareness, and the pursuit of values.

Social Media and the Search for Meaning

  •           The Illusion of Fulfilment: Social media platforms often create the illusion of connection and fulfilment. People seek likes, shares, and comments as a form of validation. However, Logotherapy warns against mistaking these superficial interactions for true meaning. Social media platforms are designed to keep users engaged and addicted to the constant flow of content. The notifications, likes, and shares provide instant gratification, leading users to believe that they are fulfilling their need for connection and recognition. However, Logotherapy suggests that these fleeting moments of approval may not constitute genuine meaning. True meaning is found in the pursuit of values and the realisation of one’s unique purpose in life.
  •           Existential Vacuum: Frankl's concept of the “existential vacuum” refers to a sense of emptiness and meaninglessness that arises when individuals do not find purpose. Excessive use of social media can exacerbate this vacuum by promoting passive consumption and overactive engagement with life’s values. In the digital age, it is easy to fall into the trap of mindlessly scrolling through endless social media feeds. This passive consumption often leads to a sense of emptiness and a lack of fulfilment. Logotherapy teaches us that the existential vacuum can be filled by identifying and pursuing our values. Instead of seeking meaning in the virtual world of social media, individuals should turn inward and reflect on what truly matters to them.
  • Freedom of Choice: Logotherapy emphasises the freedom of choice in finding meaning. When using social media, individuals have a choice in how they engage with the platform. They can either passively scroll through content or use it as a tool for meaningful communication and self-expression. Social media can be a powerful tool for connecting with others, sharing ideas, and expressing oneself. However, it is essential to recognise the freedom of choice that comes with using these platforms. Users can choose to use social media as a means to enhance their relationships, promote their passions, and contribute positively to online communities. By exercising this freedom of choice, individuals can align their online activities with their authentic values.

Logotherapy’s Role in Mitigating Negative Effects

  •           Self-Reflection: Logotherapy encourages individuals to reflect on their values and choices. Social media users can benefit from introspection to ensure their online activities align with their authentic values. To mitigate the negative effects of social media, individuals should engage in regular self-reflection. This involves examining how their online interactions align with their values and life goals. By consciously assessing their digital behaviour, users can ensure that their time spent on social media contributes to their search for meaning rather than detracts from it.
  • Meaningful Engagement: Instead of seeking validation through likes and followers, Logotherapy suggests that individuals should use social media to engage in meaningful conversations, share their passions, and contribute positively to online communities. Meaningful engagement on social media involves actively participating in conversations, sharing knowledge, and supporting others. Rather than focusing on metrics like the number of followers or likes, users can find fulfilment by connecting with like-minded individuals, advocating causes they believe in, and promoting positive change in the digital sphere.
  • Digital Detox: In cases where social media leads to an existential vacuum, Logotherapy may recommend periods of digital detox to reconnect with real-world values and experiences. When the negative effects of social media become overwhelming, Logotherapy suggests taking a step back through a digital detox. This intentional break from social media allows individuals to reconnect with their inner selves and rediscover real-world experiences that bring genuine meaning and fulfilment.


In conclusion, social media through the lens of Logotherapy reveals a complex relationship between online interactions and the search for meaning. While social media can offer opportunities for connection and self-expression, it can also lead to superficiality and an existential vacuum if not used mindfully. Logotherapy provides valuable insights into the importance of personal responsibility and choice when navigating the digital landscape.


Dimitris Thanasoulas

Dimitris Thanasoulas

Teacher, translator, ELT materials writer/editor, linguist, life coach and psychotherapist (Logotherapist)