25th ICC Annual Conference 2018, Santorini

The island of Santorini will host the 25th ICC Annual Conference/AGM between 4-6 May. 


Conference Theme: 'Migration, Communication, and Culture': Implications for languages education.


The Great Migration Debate - the role of Language & Culture.

One of the greatest challenges that Europe faces is language and cultural engagement with the huge increase in economic and refugee migration, with the heart-rending drama of migrants crossing the Mediterranean from North Africa and the Middle East in the hope of finding security and a new life. This phenomenon has generated problems at political, economic, housing and security levels and in some countries fuelled internal unrest.


Our concern as Europe’s International Language Association is language learning and cultural integration. What are the most successful projects for migrant culture and language integration? What kind of society do we want to achieve? Is ‘Multiculti’ dead? If so, what can replace it to avoid sectarianism and internal strife?


The issue before us is what role can language education play?


  • How can we equip ourselves to face the changing composition of classrooms?
  • What are the values we need to uphold if we are to contribute to shaping society?
  • Do the nations of multiculturalism and plurilingualism still apply or should we look for new ideas?


The conference will consider:

  • language and cultural policy,
  • practitioner best practice,
  • use of new methods and technologies to facilitate learning


Language and cultural policy and best practice are the questions we will address in our Annual Conference on ‘Migration, Communication and Culture’ on the beautiful island of Santorini from May 4-6 2018.

We would be delighted if you could attend the conference and bring your personal and professional experiences and opinions to join in the discussion. Santorini is an ideal location to get away from the hustle and bustle of work, enjoy the beauty of sun, sea and sand and engage in lively debate.


More information can be found here




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