7th Foreign Languages Forum & Book Exhibition


Focal Theme:Special Needs Education, Disruptive Behaviour

The back-to-school season is approaching.Just before the start of the new school year the ELT NEWS Team organise the 7th Foreign Languages Forum featuring a Book and Resource Exhibition as well as many interesting sessions for the eager to learn teacher.

This time the Forum is dedicated to Special Needs Education and Disruptive Behaviour. So save the date and join us in Thessaloniki on Wednesday 26 August at the Grand Hotel Palace or in Athens on 29 & 30 August at the Royal Olympic Hotel.

ELT NEWS has teamed up with Katerina Dari, Psychologist, Katerina Perikleous, Special Needs Educator and the popular Luke Prodromou, Author & Teacher Trainer, who will give you many teaching tips for immediate classroom application.

Disruptive Behaviour

All children will have bouts of bad behaviour. They may have temper tantrums, or talk back to their parents or teachers. When things start to get out of hand, however, it may be a clue that something in the child or teen’s life needs attention.

Katerina Dari, Psychologist, will analyse the causes behind such behaviour and provide practical tips and techniques on how to deal with it.

Teaching English to Dyslexic Students and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Katerina Perikleous, will present, in two different sessions, the ever concerning and difficult task of teaching English to students with Dyslexia as well as the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD (ΔΕΠΥin Greek) has received a lot of attention lately as children with ADHD are nine times more likely to be permanently excluded from school than those without. Boys are three times more likely to be excluded than girls. Excluding a child from school can have a life-long impact on them and also a huge social cost: excluded children are far more likely to get into trouble with the law and less likely to gain employment.

Dyslexiaon the other hand concerns many teachers of English. Dyslexic pupils learning a foreign language have to be aware that it may be a longer process for them than for others.Dyslexic learners are likely to experience difficulties in a range of areas including speed of information processing, word retrieval and short term memory. Successful language learning is likely to be dependent on the teacher’s personality and teaching methods.

Κaterina will demonstrate how to effectively teach English to dyslexic students.

How to successfully start the new school year

Luke Prodromou will talk on How to successfully start the new school year. Do not make these mistakes.”

No matter how long you’ve been teaching, the first day(s) of the new school year is always a little nerve-wracking. Even if some of your students are returning, some will be new – and there will be new work for everyone.

Dr Luke Prodromou will discuss the most important mistakes teachers make eg setting up a classroom where the students have no ownership and no responsibility or a class where students arrive late and slump into a chair waiting for the teacher to announce what is going to happen. And some teachers don’t even announce what is going to happen until 10 to 15 minutes of class time have gone because they lack organizational skills. Students like consistency; they do not want surprises accompanied by yelling and screaming. A classroom should have structure.

So we are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th Foreign Languages Forum to share experiences, concerns and expertise. The Forum will take you out of the stagnant phase where you simply go in and do what you always do. It will push you into trying out new things again and Reduce the Feeling of Isolation.

Satisfaction in the teaching profession is not the absence of problems; it’s the ability to deal with them. You are not alone in this world. Be aware that many others experience similar problems.


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ELT News