ACE TEFL: a new EFL teacher development centre in the heart of Athens

George Vassilakis and Alexander Makarios are both well known in the ELT community: between themselves they have trained literally thousands of English teachers in Greece and abroad and have given more than 200 presentations at ELT events and conferences. After working together for many years, they have decided to start their own teacher development centre, the Athens Centre for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, or ACE TEFL.

ACE TEFL is located at 138 Solonos Street and offers courses and seminars for teachers online and face to face. You can visit their website at to find out more about the centre and, as soon as the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, George and Alexander ill be delighted to see you in person at their centre, show you around and have a chat!

Among the first few courses to be offered are the following:

• Fundamentals of English Language Teaching
• Understanding and Explaining Grammar
• Delta Module 1 Preparation
• Delta Module 3 Preparation
• Reading and Translating English Poetry
• Teacher Observation and Evaluation
• Train the Trainer

ACE TEFL also offers consultancy services to language schools; these services range from syllabus and materials consultancies, teacher observation and development, to inservice training programmes tailored to the needs and wants of each specific LTO wishing to optimise its services and train its staff.

When asked about the reasons ACE TEFL was founded, George and Alexander said: “We are now free to design and deliver courses the way we feel is right. Most importantly, we can show the teachers that come to us the respect they deserve as individuals, clients, and students; we not only want to help them learn from us, but also understand that we have a lot to learn from them. And that’s what makes us different.”

Don’t miss ACE TELF’s first free online webinar on February 3rd. It is going to be about a teacher’s professional development and their journey but through an unusual yet very interesting perspective. The title of the webinar is No need to check your personality at the classroom door and you can find out more about it here.

ACE TEFL – Athens Centre for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
Address: 138 Solonos Street, Athens 10677
Telephone: +30 2112672499


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