All the world is a stage at Fani Karatzou Schools

As the great William Shakespeare wrote :

“All the world’s a stage,
and all the men and women merely players…”

What wise words! However, the word “merely” in the case of the “players” of Fani Karatzou Language Schools does not do justice deserved.

On the 20th April, 2013, in the amphitheater of the 4th Primary School of Larissa, our theatrical performance once again thoroughly entertained a packed auditorium. Standing room only was the catch phrase, and the hard work of all, especially of the students’ shone.

The traditional opening was, of course by our Pre-junior students, firstly from the Central School, who presented the dramatized songs “Fly Away” and then from Epirotica and Neraida, with “My Animals”.

This was followed by the A junior students from all of our schools (Epirotica and Neraida) who sang the “Farm Animals” theatrical song, quite zealously, in fact. For most, it was their initiation to the stage, and they wholeheartedly enjoyed it, as did the audience.

“The Green-Cross Code” was the following dramatized song by Central School’s Bj+A students, who showed us how to follow the rules for safe conduct on streets and roads while the students of Bj+A from our Epirotica Branch School, sang about “A Better Place” their dreams for a brighter world and what they want to become, while a slide show of those who have changed the world (for the better) decorated the background.

However, the fun did not stop there, for there are many talented students of English at our Schools. Next on stage were the Bj to A students who enchanted with their performance of “Snow White” while the A-B students flew us to the land of the Arabian Nights with “ A Mirror, A Carpet and A Lemon”.

With an excerpt from the movie “Mama Mia” the students of D-E Neraida School entertained all to the sounds of the legendary group ABBA. Ss of German presented “Occupations-Hobbies-Everyday Habits”, Ss of French “A Trip to the Dentist” and Ss of Chinese presented “A Magical Journey”.

Finally, the B -Proficiency students took to the stage, with “Ever After”, the real story of Cinderella, teaching us that the purity of heart will always win over the cunning and the greedy and that even though things may look bad, we must always hope for a day when the darkness is over and of course, we will live happily “Ever After”.

It goes without saying that the hard work of all students culminated in resounding success and applause, with smiles of pride and happiness for their accomplishments that evening and with promises that the next celebration of the English Language and of our school, would be even better.

At Fani Karatzou Language Schools, complacency and stagnation are words we do not know and this is reflected in everything we do. Congratulations to all, and see you on stage in 2014.


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ELT News