Author: ELT News
Autonomy development: tutor, learner and peer roles, learner training and the balance between support provision and autonomy scaffolding The development…... Read more.
The teaching of English in the pre-primary classroom is often characterised by a blended whole-child/academic approach to learning. What is the difference&hel... Read more.
The term was first coined in 1979 by Henri Holec, who is considered to be the "father" of learner autonomy.…... Read more.
Starting in 2021, PeopleCert will provide English language exams to individuals wanting to obtain a Private Hire Driver’s License…... Read more.
Recruitment for all educational exchange programs is based on open, and fair national competition, and on individual merit and academic…... Read more.
What a painful duty it is to have to find the words to say goodbye to an acclaimed colleague, a…... Read more.
A year ago I wrote a series of articles called ‘The Child and the Box’. They were about the…... Read more.
It was one of the first few times I was interviewing candidates for a teacher training course. I remember being…... Read more.
It so often seems to me that education is a world with kings but no prophets. It has…... Read more.
John H.A.L. de Jong is Professor Emeritus of Language Testing at VU University, Amsterdam, and owner/director of a…... Read more.