Cambridge English: Centenary 1913-2013

About Cambridge English Proficiency
Cambridge English Proficiency, commonly known as Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), was first launched in 1913.

It was aimed at those wanting to use English to teach at university level or to enter the diplomatic services.

100 years later, CPE still provides the most in-depth examination for those who need high level English to excel.

Teaching and testing methodology and practices have evolved since 1913 and, to reflect these changes, CPE was revised significantly in 1945, 1967, 1984, 2002 and 2013.

In 1913 the exam was 12 hours long. In 1953 the Use of English paper was introduced. In 1966 CPE was 9 hours long.

In 1975 CPE became more communicative and lasted 8 hours. In 1984 it was reduced to 6 hours.

In 2002, CPE was linked to the Common European Framework. The new Cambridge English Proficiency exam is shorter than the previous examination by approximately 2 hours.

As of this year candidates are able to choose to take Cambridge English Proficiency as either a paper-based or computer-based exam.

This option offers candidates more choice and introduces more exam dates.




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