English is no longer a foreign language in NL
Are the Dutch now native speakers of English, and is Dutch-English a distinctive thing? Deborah Nicholls-Lee meets linguistics expert…
The magazine for EFL teachers in Greece
Are the Dutch now native speakers of English, and is Dutch-English a distinctive thing? Deborah Nicholls-Lee meets linguistics expert…
Είναι μια εικόνα δεκάδων χρόνων ή μάλλον μερικών αιώνων. Είναι μια αρχετυπική εικόνα, ένας ισχυρός συμβολισμός των εκπαιδευτικών συστημάτων όπου…
Passive learning has been the only way of learning in school for centuries, but experiential and active ways of…
All kids have greatness in them, and like any of us, they will all need their own combination of “the…
Institute of Educational Policy 2nd foreign language: 4 hours a week in 2nd class of Lyceum and 6 hours a…
Ιχνογράφηµα: Είναι η αναπαράσταση κάποιου αντικειµένου, πράγµατος, τοπίου ή και ανθρώπου µε απλές γραµµές µολυβιού. Δεν χρησιµοποιούµε καθόλου χρώµατα. Σχέδιο: Πολλές…
Is there a possibility of linking the teaching of study skills with teaching English in such a way so that…
Ηave you ever walked into a classroom expecting students to be prepared and begin learning and instead found them looking…
Educators have long known that the ancient art of storytelling is especially well-suited for student exploration. Storytelling is accessible to…
No, we can’t force a student to learn, however there are many great methods to encourage students to learn. Teachers…