English-language Researcher/Practitioner Grant Program
We are happy to announce the second annual TOEFL® English-language Researcher/Practitioner Grant program. The purpose of the program is to…
The magazine for EFL teachers in Greece
We are happy to announce the second annual TOEFL® English-language Researcher/Practitioner Grant program. The purpose of the program is to…
On the 4 October 2013, EI is launching a year of action, an initiative for quality education around the world…
Thinking of studying at a UK university? The British Council is holding free education information sessions, which cover all aspects…
The British Council has announced that registration deadline for the November/December 2013 Cambridge English KETfS, PETfS, FCEfS, CAE and CPE…
The 4th EALTA-CBLA SIG Symposium, hosted by the Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus, is taking place on Friday…
The potential of games for learners with special needs was the focus of the "Serious games for inclusion" workshop organised…
Through the iTEC project, European Schoolnet has worked with its partners towards more solid and concrete ideas to take innovation…
Pre-registration is open A new CPDLab course “Future Classroom – adapting pedagogical practice” has been published in the Comenius in-service…
Η London Exams Hellas σεβόμενη τις δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζουν οι ελληνικές οικογένειες λόγω της οικονομικής κρίσης ξεκινά την προσφορά, σε…
Ο Υπουργός Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων ενέκρινε τα ελεύθερα βοηθήματα για το μάθημα της Αγγλικής Γλώσσας Γενικού Λυκείου για το σχολικό…