CertTESOL Introduced by Deree and Trinity

The Graduate School of Arts & Science of Deree and Trinity College London have established cooperation in the field of teacher education.

As of October 2013 a Certificate in TESOL will be on offer for people who want to start a teaching career in ESOL and/or for teachers of English who want to improve their skills and techniques, get a qualification that is recognised in Europe and beyond and work anywhere in the world.

The course has been designed by Mark Osborne, an experienced teacher trainer and educational technologist, and aims to offer high standard of training to novice and more experienced teachers and provide them with a certificate which is a good basis for future career moves. 

The course is 130 hours long, together with all relevant assignments to the required standard. Course content is delivered and assessed through five Units:

1. Teaching skills 

2. Language Awareness

3. Learner Profile 

4. Materials Assignment

5. Unknown Language

The work for Units 1, 2, 3 & 5 is marked by Deree’s course tutors and moderated or sampled and checked by a member of the Trinity moderators panel at the end of the course.

The moderator externally assesses the work for Unit 4.

The course is blended –online study with face-to-face attendance thus giving trainee teachers the chance to work from home as well as the very good experience of working face-to-face with trainers and other trainee teachers.

The course includes:

• teaching practice - with real learners of English, including evaluation and feedback (trainees get 6 hours observed teaching practice, followed by feedback with a qualified trainer)

• observation of ESOL teaching by experienced teachers (4 hours of observation)

• lesson plan practice - with self-and tutor-evaluation and feedback

• spoken and written language practice - study of grammar and phonology and how to build them into teaching 

• needs analysis for learner – including preparation of a simple linguistic profile of an individual learner

• experience of learning an unknown language - to help trainees reflect on the beginner English language learner’s point of view 

Deree provides its highly qualified teaching staff, its premises and infrastructure, it ensures teaching practice with genuine learners and access to resource and classroom materials. The TESOL Certificate is awarded by Trinity College London.

Applicants must be over 18 years of age, must hold a C2 Level certificate or equivalent and take a placement test.

The CertTESOL is accepted by the British Council, it is a formally recognised qualification in the UK and accredited at Level 5 on the UK Qualifications Framework

For more information contact the Office of Admissions, telephone: +30 210 600 2208 or email: graduate@acg.edu, DEREE - The American College of Greece, 6 Gravias Str. 153 42 Aghia Paraskevi. 


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