Charles Dickens’s descendant, Lucinda Dickens Hawksley, visits QLS network online!

qls christmas



Christmas came early this year for 3000 students of the QLS network who attended a unique festive online event featuring acclaimed author and descendant of Charles Dickens, Lucinda Dickens Hawksley.

In 2020 the 150th anniversary of Charles Dickens's passing was honoured worldwide. To mark this occasion and to bring some much-needed festive cheer to the lives of its students during the pandemic, the multi-award-winning QLS network of 37 schools organised an unforgettable literary event under the title "Christmas Tea With Lucinda Dickens Hawksley".

On Saturday 12th December, QLS students had the opportunity to interact with author, broadcaster and great-great-great-granddaughter of Dickens, Lucinda Dickens Hawksley who gave 3 tailor-made presentations adapted to different linguistic levels.

Ms Dickens Hawksley, live from London, revealed to the students the real events which inspired the classic book A Christmas Carol and talked to them about traditional Victorian Christmas and the life of her legendary ancestor. Students from around Greece enjoyed the festive event from the comfort of their homes while sipping their tea by their Christmas trees in true Victorian fashion. At the end of each presentation there was time for a lively Q & A session in English and festive raffles with prizes including games, courtesy of QLS, and readers, courtesy of Express Publishing, Burlington Books and MM Publications.

The event launched the QLS Book Club, a new educational initiative which gives students the opportunity to read and listen to literary classics online while honouring global literary celebrations and taking part in competitions.


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