Christmas event and Dickens’ bicentenary

Teachers of English in Emathia had the chance to enjoy a feast for Christmas, combined with an original tribute to the 200th anniversary since Charles Dickens’s birthday (1812) featuring Mr David Gibson and Dr Luke Prodromou.

The event was jointly organised by the ELT School Adviser for Emathia Mrs Calliope Kiokpasoglou and the State English Teachers’ Union of Emathia (SETUE), on Thursday, 20 December 2012.

Dave ’n’ Luke, the inexhaustible theatre duo who were the focus of the event, engaged the audience with their stylish presentation and captivating performances of dramatised excerpts from Dickens’s famous novels.

They demonstrated how an ‘arsenal’ of drama features (acting, utilising one’s tone of voice, mimicry, story-telling, and other ‘weapons’) are excellent means that a successful teacher can employ in order to motivate students and imbue them with a love for learning.

In parallel, they showed how Dickens’s insightful and –alas!– topical references to debt, usury and poverty can be used in order to develop critical thinking along with the author’s durable commentary on education, children’s upbringing, social (in)justice and philanthropy, the society and its reform.

Pupils from the 3rd General Lyceum of Beroea, Macrochorion Gymnasium and Naousa Vocational Lyceum also took part with a presentation on Dickens as well as live performances of Christmas songs and carols whereas the buffet at the coffee break could not be complete without the traditional melomacarona!

The SETUE would like to felicitate Messrs Luke Prodromou and David Gibson for their memorable unique stagecraft and pedagogical offer; congratulations ought to be given to the children from schools of Emathia, who have variegated the event with their performances.

Our gratitude is also due to the Central Public Library of Beroea for kindly hosting the event. 

Happy 2013 to everyone!


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