December 2022

Major changes are happening in ELT triggering new educational models and transformations. New teaching programmes, and new approaches and techniques are being developed creating opportunities and challenges for our sector. 

In this issue we host the views of some of this year’s most influential teacher trainers, and practicing teachers whose innovative and creative ideas have an impact on the ELT scene in our country:

  • Katherine Reilly, a creative, enthusiastic, restless teacher and writer, an oral examiner, a national and international presenter, an activist, a radio producer, and lots more
  • Nick Michelioudakis, an experienced teacher, teacher trainer, and presenter, who looks ELT from another angle and incorporates the latest findings in Psychology and Marketing into teaching and learning
  • Maria Araxi-Sachpazian, an enthusiastic teacher and teacher trainer, with vast experience in teaching children and adults, Chair of TESOL Macedonia-Thrace, an active member of IATEFL, and a materials developer
  • Despina Mallidou, a twice ELT Excellence Award-winning FLS owner, who always tries to open new paths in teaching and learning
  • George Kokolas, Sales Director at Express Publishing, NLP certified practitioner, podcaster, radio producer, blogger, and lifelong learner to mention just a few

Enjoy reading!

 Text by: Anastasia Spyropoulou

What else do we have in this issue?

An interview from Alan Maley, the legendary teacher, teacher trainer and author. Alan is coming to Greece next March. He’ll be one of the plenary speakers at the Foreign Languages Forum in Crete and Athens. He will also conduct a workshop on ‘Creative Writing’. Read his interview and you will understand where ELT was in the past and where it is today.

What has ignited him, in the last decade, is creativity, one of the most exciting concepts that currently inform ELT. Creative language teaching is generated, in some way, in every classroom in every country. Each time a language teacher enters a class, a silent experiment in hope and creativity is taking place: hope that the lesson will make a difference to at least one of their learners; creativity in that teachers strive to give the lesson something of their own that goes beyond imitation or compliance.

What are we planning for 2023?

The Foreign Languages Forum travels for the first time in Crete on March 5, 2023. The event in Crete had been scheduled before but was canceled due to Covid-19 restrictions.

The Athens Forum is taking place on March 12, 2023. On March 19, the Forum goes to Patra; on April 2, the Forum goes to Thessaloniki; on April 9 the Forum goes to Larissa. Finally, the Forum in Xanthi has been scheduled for May 7.

Lots of distinguished speakers from home and abroad, plenary sessions, workshops, professional presentations as well as a Book and Resource Exhibition with the most recent production in printed and digital material on display.

More information to follow, stay tuned!

I take this opportunity to wish you all a relaxing Christmas and a peaceful New Year!


ELT News

ELT News