English-language Researcher/Practitioner Grant Program

Important Dates

November 1, 2013— Deadline for receipt of application materials

November 27, 2013— All applicants notified

December 2013— Details about research design and necessary materials provided

January 1, 2014— Research project commences

December 31, 2014— Deadline for submission of the collected data, classroom materials and summary of study results


Grantees will be required to administer the TOEFL iBT or TOEFL ITP test both before and after an instructional period, conduct student background surveys, analyze the data, and summarize the study results, with technical assistance from ETS if needed.

In addition, an ETS-developed questionnaire will be provided to grantees and their students to complete toward the end of the instructional period.

Grantees are encouraged to consider research dissemination activities such as presenting their results at conferences with prior ETS technical review and approval.

Evaluation Criteria

All applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:

Relevance of the planned English-language class to the program goals

Relevance of applicant's experience

Regional diversity of the grantees; applications from non-North American institutions will be given priority in selection

Where to Send Your Application or Request Further Information

Mail: ETS TOEFL Grants and Awards Program Attn: Terry Axe, MS 50-L, Princeton, NJ 08541 USA



Email: TOEFL_awards@ets.org

Electronic applications(PDF) are encouraged.

See Frequently Asked Questions(PDF) for more information.



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