ETUCE Workshop in Athens on ICT and Early school leaving

On Friday, 20th September 2013, ETUCE organizes a workshop on how to prevent early school leaving through the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

The workshop gathers representatives from 24 European teacher unions to discuss how ICT can motivate and re-attract individuals at risk of exclusion from formal education.

Together with researchers and representatives from the education employers and students’ unions they will consider best practice examples and learn about the findings of the four project case studies.

The workshop is part of an on-going ETUCE project which is funded with support from the European Commission.

Until now, a multinational consortium of 7 teacher union representatives, together with experts in the field of ICT in education and early school leaving in Europe, has conducted case studies in schools and teacher education institutions in four different countries.

The workshop’s objective is to draft practical guidelines from the insights gained in the case studies and in the plenary discussion.

These guidelines shall be validated in a final conference in November 2013.

To learn more about this project and to follow up its results, visit


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