European Alliance for Apprenticeships

European Alliance for Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships combine vocational education and training in school and in a company and lead to a nationally recognised qualification. The Alliance aims to increase the quality and supply of apprenticeships across Europe and to change mind-sets towards this type of learning.

Role and aims of the Alliance

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships brings together public authorities, business and social partners, VET providers, youth representatives and other key actors such as chambers in order to coordinate and upscale different initiatives for successful apprenticeship type schemes. There are three strands of action:

 reform of apprenticeship systems;

 benefits of apprenticeships;

 funding and resources.

Apprenticeships and work-based learning appear to ease the transition from education and training to work. Boosting the quality and supply of apprenticeships is therefore one of the EU policy initiatives to address the unprecedented levels of youth unemployment. The Alliance will also support delivery on one of four options in the Youth Guarantee.

Working together

The Alliance relies on the active engagement of all stakeholders. The European Commission can kick-start the process and facilitate interactions, monitor developments and provide some financial support, but it cannot drive the Alliance alone.

Member States have already committed through the European Council Conclusions of January 2012 to increase "substantially the number of apprenticeships and traineeships to ensure that they represent real opportunities for young people.

Other key stakeholders with plans for concrete contributions to the Alliance are the European Social Partners (ETUC, BusinessEurope, UEAPME, CEEP), Eurochambres, individual businesses and the European Roundtable of Industrialists. Cedefop will provide administrative, monitoring and analytical support, while ETF 
will promote the principles of the Alliance in partner countries.


Do you want to get involved?

Make a pledge

Businesses, social partners, chambers of commerce and industry and crafts, VET providers, sectoral associations.

Become an Ambassador

Private sector network of Ambassadors

Share your story

Apprentices and businesses

More information

·      EU policy on Youth Employment

·      Vocational education and training(VET)

·      European Semester – Country Specific Recommendations

·      Apprenticeships at the international level: Statement of global workers' and employers' representatives on quality of apprenticeships


The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is jointly coordinated by DG Education and Culture and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

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