ILTA’s Best Article Award

Nominations still open

The International Language Testing Association's Best Article Award is awarded annually for the best article in the field of language testing and assessment published in any given year.

ILTA is now accepting nominations from the year 2014.

Language testing and assessment articles published in any publication may be nominated. All articles published in the year 2014 that have as their focus the assessment or measurement of language may be considered. Book chapters are also eligible for nomination.

Please send your nominations of articles and/or chapters in edited books/ volumes, for consideration by the Best Article Award Committee.

The deadline for submission of nominations is January 15th, 2016.

The Best Article Award Committee will use the following criteria as they judge each article:

1. The contribution of the work to the field of language testing, or to the interface between language testing and other areas of inquiry (and in particular the originality of the contribution).
2. The persuasiveness of the argument (whether based on the interpretation of empirical data, theoretical rationales, or both).
3. The thoroughness of the literature review.
4. The clarity of presentation (written expression; the use of figures and tables, where appropriate).
5. In the case of empirical studies, the quality of the procedures for data-gathering and analysis.

For more information please contact Claudia Harsch by January 15th, 2016.


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