Impact of the crisis on working conditions in Europe

Eurofound has published the study Impact of the crisis on working conditions in Europe.

The report is part of a wider Eurofound project on the impacts of the crisis on industrial relations and working conditions, comprising the present report based on contributions from the European Working Conditions Observatory, a report from the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO), a literature review and an overview report drawing on the two reports and the literature review.

The study finds that the economic and financial crisis is affecting working conditions across EU Member States in different ways. But the general pattern is of less work, reduced overall working time, less overtime, rising job insecurity, less choice for workers, wage freezes and wage cuts.

There is also greater work intensity, deterioration of work–life balance, increasing stress at work, greater risk of harassment/bullying, less absenteeism, growth in the informal economy and changes to migration patterns.

The report ranks countries by changes in working conditions since the crisis began based on country averages for the following defined indicators: job insecurity, involuntary temporary employment, involuntary part-time working, net migration, work–life balance, work intensity, absenteeism, work accidents and job satisfaction.


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