Language School helps feed needy Greek families

This came about through the Salvation Army programmes ‘By Your Side’ and ‘Adopt a Family’ which are designed to enable concerned people to help others badly hit by the economic crisis, and ultimately assist them towards independent living.

In our case we evaluated the needs of the families we wished to help (visiting them at home) and then set about gaining support from the parents of children in the language school.

Altogether, in the Leech School of English, we obtained the means to help 12 families as far as food and other requirements were concerned, with generous parents bringing in various kinds of food we could pass on.

These donations are to be repeated monthly until no longer required. In all cases we made a point of respecting the recipients’ confidentiality as many of those who once gave to charity were now in the sad position of needing to receive it.

Andrew Leech


If any other schools would like to try adopting a needy family and sharing the burden the current economic crises has placed upon us, please contact Maria Konti-Galinou or Polis Pantelides at 2111 821 486 / Mobile: 6975 728 790 who will be able to give further details on how help can be given.

You see, it is not only Golden Dawn who hand out free food. Others do it, too!


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