Literary Translation Awards 2013

The European Institute for Literary Translation, Goethe-Institut Athen and the Instituto Cervantes de Atenas jointly organise the literary translation awards 2013. Three prizes will be awarded:

1. Literary translation from English to Greek

2. Literary translation from German to Greek

3. Literary translation from Spanish to Greek

As of 2014 the Danish Institute of Athens will participate expanding the partnership. The Danish Institute of Athens is an academic and cultural institution aiming at promoting research, education and culture in Greek and Mediterranean archaeology, history, language, literature, visual arts, architecture and cultural traditions.

The European Institute for Literary Translation

Established by the Hellenic American Union as an autonomous entity in February 2012, the European Institute for Literary Translation brings together financial resources and a variety of programmes, initiatives and outreach activities in the field of translation. These are activities in which the Hellenic American Union has had a long history of engagement.

Goethe-Institut Athen was established in 1952 and aims at promoting cooperation between Germany and Greece in the fields of language, culture and the arts.


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ELT News