Play’n’Learn in Corfu!

On Sunday 2nd June the pre-junior classes of Andrioti School gave an outstanding perfomance for their families and friends, who filled the auditorium of Polytechno to capacity.

The programme included action songs, traditional British rhymes as well as short sketches.

Ms Patritsia Andrioti, director of the school, reviewed the course content and stressed the value of exposing young children to new cultures and languages as that makes them world citizens.

Working towards that goal she had organised several projects that concluded in skype connections with nursery schools in Virginia and Illinois, USA, as well as Ukraine during the school year.

The little students, guided by their teachers, worked on common projects, exchanged crafts and memorabilia and established their first e-friendships!
The event ended with Mrs Katerina Zeriti, from MM Publications handing out certificates of attendance and puppets to every student.

Andrioti School would like to thank MM Publications for their prompt reply to their invitation.

Their continuous support is greatly appreciated.


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ELT News