Preparing Teachers for the Future: Intelligent Language Teaching and Learning Technology

An open lecture by Greg Kessler, PhD – Free Admission

In the context of the Master Class Series organized by the Deree School of Graduate and Professional Education and its new MA in TESOL program, Dr. Greg Kessler will deliver an open lecture for language teaching professionals. The event will take place on Wednesday, February 8, 10:00–11:30 at The American College of Greece building in Plaka (17b Ipitou Street, Plaka, Athens).

Greg Kessler, PhD, is the director of the Language Resource Center, and associate professor of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) at the Department of Linguistics, Ohio University. He is also an affiliated faculty member in Instructional Technology at the College of Education.

During his lecture, he will share a number of recent developments related to language and technology including: automated assessment tools, speech and gesture control interfaces, and a variety of forms of natural language processing. Some of the tools and resources associated with these developments have found their way into the classroom, while others certainly will in the near future. Dr. Kessler will share his views on the need to embrace these developments as we move toward a new era of language instruction; one that is enhanced through the use of these intelligent assistants, yet one that still requires language


Dr. Kessler’s research addresses technology, language, language learning, and associated human behavior. He has published and presented widely in the area of CALL, and has had the great privilege to conduct seminars about the convergence of language and technology around the world. He is also Editor of the Action Research Column for the journal Language Learning & Technology, and the past President of the Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO). He has served as CALL Interest Section Chair for the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and president of Ohio TESOL.

Places are limited, so to reserve your seat, please contact Maria Kritikou at or 210 6009800 ext. 1210.


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