Shakespeare’s Globe: ”All the world’s a stage”


ELA stands for Educational Leadership and Innovation and one of ELA’s innovative and pioneering actions is to bring Shakespeare alive for ELA schools and teachers. For the first time in Greece teachers had the opportunity to have interactive versions of well-known plays with Shakespeare’s Globe practitioners.

The lively action workshops and lively action storytelling performances were unique since they provided great educational ideas for face-to-face and online teaching contexts. The sessions were practical, interactive and grounded in the sounds and rhythms of Shakespeare’s language which make them far more interesting than a typical storytelling approach.

Teachers learned how to help students to explore Shakespeare’s plays, characters and themes through lively storytelling activities that really engage students. The teachers examined a variety of storytelling approaches that can be used to enhance literature and storytelling in any language classroom. It was indeed an amazing seminar which all 27 ELA members attended to kick off the year which is dedicated to the great author and his works.

A number of events are to follow, including a special student workshop. In the meantime, and throughout the year, ELA schools will be working on drama, storytelling, read aloud and a mind-blowing end of the year event. Keep connected and follow us on facebook and Instagram!


ELT News

ELT News