Take the World Teacher Survey!


From recent and frequent reports on the difficulties facing teachers: from recruitment, workload and pressure to demonstrate results, it could seem that the teaching profession is in a crisis – but is that really the case? Everyone has their own story to tell and we’d like to hear yours. Tell us what it’s really like to be a teacher in the 21st century by completing the World Teacher Survey!

As stated by the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report series, “education is a basic human right and a significant factor in the development of children, communities, and countries“. Teachers are vital in making that happen; the Varkey Foundation, behind the Global Teacher Awards, argue that teachers have just as much societal importance as doctors. Yet, the foundation found that the only country in which the two professions were reported to be given equal respect was in China. And just last month saw almost 20,000 teachers in West Virgina, United States, go on a 9-day strike over pay.

In light of this, we are conducting our largest research survey to date. We will be taking the pulse of the teaching profession, looking into areas such as where teachers are most happy, what drives individuals to continue teaching and what we can be doing as publishers to aide and support you at every stage.

So tell us – what’s it really like to be a teacher?
What do you love and hate about being a teacher?
Why did you become a teacher?
What are the biggest challenges you face?
How do you handle difficult parents and motivate students, all while managing the essential administration of the role?

Join teachers around the world and have your voice heard!





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