The 13th Foreign Languages Forum Athens, 25 & 26 August 2018 | Royal Olympic Hotel


The Foreign Languages Forum is one of the main events in the Greek English Language Teaching calendar. Attended by approximately 1,200 ELT professionals, it features a 2-day programme of commercial and professional talks as well as workshops.

This year’s Forum will take place on 25 & 26 August at the Royal Olympic (metro station Acropolis) and includes a plethora of plenary sessions covering a wide range of topics.

The Forum’s plenary sessions are expected to attract a lot of attention as distinguished speakers from Greece and abroad will share ideas, knowledge and expertise. Amongst the highlights of the event are the sessions by Andrew Walkley (Teaching Grammar through Lexis) on Saturday 25/8 and Chris Roland (Differentiated Instruction) on Sunday 26/8.

Other speakers include: Dr Luke Prodromou, George Drivas, Giannis Kosmopoulos and Gerasimos Roussos.

In addition, a large resources and book exhibition will give you the opportunity to see the latest ELT publications and services just before the start of the school year.


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