The 2013 Spring Festival in Emathia

The 2013 Spring Festival took place at the Cultural Centre of Veria last April. Local schools teachers, students and their parents packed the theatre to capacity.

The Festival was jointly organised by the ELT State School Advisor Mrs Calliope Kiokpasoglou and the State English Teachers’ Union of Emathia. Primary and secondary school pupils had prepared a rich programme of activities such as music, dance, drama etc. –all in English.

During the day, the State English Teachers’ Union of Emathia awarded an honorary plaque to former ELT School Adviser of the area Mr Theodore Skenderis for his initiative to found the Teachers’ Union which has offered a lot to the local school community as well as for his invaluable 9-year-long service in the Union.

The Spring Festival was also attended by a group of students from Bulgaria, Italy, Poland and Turkey. The students with their teachers were hosted by the 3rd Lyceum of Veria which participated in a student-exchange Comenius Project.

The performance of the students of the High School of Makrohori (the Wizard of Oz) was devoted to the memory of the 21 students –all residents of Makrohori- who were killed in a car accident in April 2003. 


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