The 23rd TESOL Macedonia-Thrace Northern Greece Annual International Convention

When you look back in time and remember your school years, you may suddenly realize that some faces have started fading away, voices have all become one, but there is that one voice that still echoes in your head and a face which still seems more familiar than others; that's the teacher who has made a lasting impression on you.
Why do we remember some teachers better than others? Is it because they were better at explaining fractions than others, or because they helped you understand the use of the Present Perfect tense?
I doubt that. A memorable teacher is the one whose passion is contagious and the one who teaches you that learning never stops, the one who encourages you to be creative and who believes in you and sets high expectations for you.
An inspiring teacher understands the importance of human connection. With the support of an inspiring teacher, you believe you are capable of greatness and you aim high. And this is the kind of teacher we all aspire to be.
It's official! The date and the plenary speakers have been announced! The 23rd TESOL Macedonia-Thrace Northern Greece Annual International Convention is for those who do not want to merely teach, but want to be a source of inspiration.
Let's take a step beyond traditional learning. How? We will talk about it in March. Be there!



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