The 3rd Foreign Languages Forum & Book Exhibition


Please note that in Thessaloniki only 10 topics will be discussed according to audience preference. In Athens the panel discussion will take place on both days (Saturday and Sunday). Consequently half of the topics will be discussed on Saturday and the rest on Sunday. This will give the opportunity to teachers to attend both sessions.

The Panel Discussions will be one-hour-long, in both events.

The Panellists

The Athens Forum

• George Vassilakis, Teacher Trainer, Academic Director of City & Guilds Exams
• Michael Robbs, Teacher Trainer, HAU
• Dimitris Primalis, Teacher at Doukas Schools, Former Chair Person of TESOL Greece
• Andrew Leech, FLS Owner (Halandri)
• Akis Davanellos, Teacher Trainer, Publisher, FLS Owner (Lamia)
• Dr Dimitris Maroulis, FLS Owner (Naxos)
• Ansa Lakioti, Teacher Trainer, Initiator of ‘Turning Point’, a Consultancy Project for FLS
• Cliff Parry, Teacher Trainer, British Council, Athens

The Thessaloniki Forum

• Dr Luke Prodromou, Teacher Trainer, Author
• Maria Sachpazian, Teacher Trainer, Initiator of ‘Input in Education’, a Consultancy Centre for FLS
• David Gibson, Teacher Trainer
• Anna Parisi, Teacher Trainer, ‘Access Training Centre’
• Patritsia Andrioti, FLS Owner (Corfu)
• George Vassilakis, Teacher Trainer, Academic Director of City & Guilds Exams

Moderator: Anastasia Spyropoulou, ELT NEWS Chief Editor


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