The Fani Karatzou FLS Certificate Award Ceremony

It was with unprecedented success and in the presence of many students and parents that the Fani Karatzou Language Schools held their annual Foreign Language Certificate Award Ceremony and the cutting of the 2017 New Year Cake at the  “Palladium” reception Hall in Larissa.

Fani Karatzou, supported by her well trained teachers and devoted staff, has kept the tradition of high success rates in language exams. The school follows the communicative approach and advocates parent – teacher – student cooperation, delivering excellent education through outstanding teaching from nursery to university level.

The event opened with Ms Fani Karatzou who talked about the history of her FL Schools and vital role her teaching staff has played over the years. Her teachers are all well trained and can inspire students, and ignite their passion for learning.

In the theatrical performance that followed, pre-junior, A junior and B junior students dramatized the songs “If you are Happy and you Know it”,  “Old McDonald Had a Farm”, the “Green Cross Code” and the single act play in French “A Visit to the Dentist”.  The highlight of this year’s theatrical presentation was the extracts from the famous plays, “The Beauty and the Beast” and “Mary Poppins” adapted and directed by Ms Fani Karatzou and taught by teacher Sonia Lytrokapi. The music teacher Mrs Maria Rouka accompanied on the piano.

At the end of the theatrical performance the representative of Cambridge University, Mrs Olga Leondari, talked about the importance of the internationally recognized Cambridge exams and presented Ms Fani Karatzou with a letter from Cambridge English that congratulated her on her passion and enthusiasm and her lasting contribution to English language training and education.

Mrs Leondari stressed with great emphasis how impressed she was with our students’ performance, their talent and hard work.

Next on the podium was Mr. Nikolaos Fragos, the representative of Michigan Exams, who stressed the long lasting and successful cooperation of the Fani Karatzou Language Schools with the Michigan University Exams. He also awarded the Michigan Certificates to successful students along with a book entitled “Homer and the Alphabet”, by Nanos Valaoritis, published by the Hellenic American Union.

The representatives of Express Publishing, Grivas Publications and MM Publications offered a tablet each and the representative of Burlington Books kindly offered a lucky charm for the New Year.

More than 100 certificates were awarded. Ms Fani Karatzou mentioned also the names of the 20 IELTS and GMAT successful candidates who are now studying at universities of their choice abroad.

The event ended with the cutting of the 2017 cake. Ms Valida Panagiotou won a lucky charm for the New Year offered by Burlington Books. Despoina, Zouboulidou and Moustaka Athanasia won a tablet each offered by Express Publishing, Grivas Publications and MM Publications respectively.

This year’s Certificate Award Ceremony will be memorable not only for the numerous certificate holders but also for the unique performance of our talented and inspirational students who became role models and ambassadors for their language school.


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