The new Life Long Learning Bill

Innovations that will apply

According to the new bill:

1. The organization and operation of the Vocational Training Institutes is being upgraded and monitored by the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning.

2. Scholarships are given to students (40 million euro to those in financial need, 25 million euro to encourage youth entrepreneurship and 10 million to immigrants to learn and become competent in the Greek language).

3. Expansion of the role of the National Accreditation Centre for Lifelong Learning (EKEPIS) which is made responsible for the certification of programmes and tutors as well as for licensing bodies in general non-formal education.

4. Introduction of the Electronic Registry of students who attend Life Long Learning Programmes. In this way transparency is safeguarded throughout the process.

5. The certificate of proficiency in Greek becomes mandatory for immigrants who want to stay in the country.


ELT News

ELT News