Vocational Qualifications you can trust

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The globalization of local markets in recent years has created countless opportunities in the professional arena, allowing for unprecedented mobility in the workforce. However, these changes are also creating new challenges and the ability to communicate in an international professional environment is becoming of paramount importance. In response to these modern demands, Express Publishing and the University of Greenwich launched a partnership to develop and establish the Vocational English Certification (VEC). INTERVENG is a division of Express Publishing, set up with the sole purpose of administering the VEC assessment and examination model.

• A unique International Certificate focusing on English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

VEC is an innovative examination that covers the widest variety of professions in the current market. As such, it provides a solid reference for your linguistic skills in your chosen career and can provide a competitive advantage on your CV.

• Test material that reflects real workplace scenarios

The examinations are carefully designed by experts in each field and the material included covers a variety of situations you are likely to encounter in your everyday work environment.

• Professional development

The preparation for the examination will help improve your knowledge of basic English terminology in your professional field, so that you can use the language skills you gain immediately and for the rest of your career

• Guaranteed quality of examination

Both the preparatory course and the examination are closely monitored by INTERVENG and validated by the University of Greenwich. The strict criteria followed by both institutions make both the Certificate of Attendance and the Certificate of Examination relevant and up-to-date in the competitive global market.


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 Two VEC Examinations are held per year. Each VEC Examination lasts 60 minutes and comprises five parts:


Part 1 – Listening

The aim of this section is to test the candidate’s ability to comprehend exchanges in spoken English related to their professional field. They are given three statements for each dialogue and must decide which of the three is true, according to what they hear.

Part 2 – Knowledge of Linguistic Means

The Knowledge of Linguistic Means section aims to assess the candidate’s knowledge of the vocabulary they would be expected to know in their professional field.

Part 3 – Knowledge of Language Functions

This section aims to assess the candidate’s ability to understand the functional spoken English they would be expected to be familiar with in their professional field.

Part 4 – Reading

The Reading section consists of three short texts, all related to the vocational field being examined. The aim of Part 4 is to assess the candidate’s ability to deal with realistic written texts of the types they would expect to meet in their profession.

Part 5 – Writing Awareness

The Writing Awareness section aims to assess the candidate’s ability to recognize the functional writing and text types required in their field of study, and demonstrate their knowledge of the structures, elements and content to be expected in such texts, as well as their internal flow and logic. The candidates need to familiarize themselves with the various types of writing texts they will encounter or need to produce in their vocational field.


The structure of the examination is designed to meet the requirements of various fields, taught in vocational schools, technical colleges, institutes and universities.


The 60-minute examination is administered online at UNICERT/ Express Publishing authorized examination centers.

For more information visit: www.interveng.gr


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