Yes to jobs for young people!

Representatives from ETUCE member organisations and staff from the ETUCE Secretariat joined the ETUC rally “Together for a better future: No to austerity! Yes to jobs for young people!”

On 14 March 2013, 15,000 trade unionists from all over Europe gathered in Brussels to unite their voices in support of youth employment. The Rally took place as the European heads of state met at the European Summit to discuss further measures to revive the economy, generate jobs and help unemployed young people. 

Sending a strong message to those who believe that austerity is the path out of the crisis, the demonstrators called on the members of the Troika, European leaders and national policymakers to replace austerity with strong growth-enhancing measures and increased investment in education and in young people. Austerity has not produced growth. It has not created new jobs and has not strengthened the European social model.

In solidarity, the European trade unionists requested a change of course with the emphasis on a sustainable recovery with more and better jobs, based on sustainable investment. Building on industrial relations and social dialogue, social protection and public services, the campaign made clear that the European social model is a source of support and not an obstacle to competitiveness and growth.


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