Preparing for a Successful Academic Year


As the new school year approaches, teachers and school owners need to carefully plan and organize procedures to ensure the smooth and effective delivery of lessons with minimal problems. It is crucial for teachers to reflect on what worked well and what went wrong the previous year, establishing a solid foundation for problem prevention and resolution. Retaining successful procedures while eliminating ineffective ones is the first step towards strategically organizing and preparing the curriculum for the upcoming academic year.

The next step involves setting goals, particularly SMART goals - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. These goals should be clear and unambiguous, allowing for easy tracking of progress, realistic and attainable, aligned with the chosen path, and defined by specific start and end dates.

Text by: Alexandra Styla

Preparation and organization encompass various tasks, such as selecting appropriate books and educational materials, scheduling classes, appointing teaching staff (if you are a school owner or manager), ensuring the availability and maintenance of educational tools and equipment (e.g., interactive whiteboards, furniture, desk arrangement, prompts, and display posters), and considering new methods and innovative ideas for differentiated teaching.

Regarding classroom procedures, using hand signals can minimize distractions during teaching and discussions. Teachers can create a chart as a reminder. Students can be encouraged to practice lining up from the beginning of the course, and setting a timer for transitions between tasks can help maintain a smooth flow. Posting an internal classroom calendar with essential events and clearly defining technology rules through posted expectations can also be beneficial. Additionally, establishing a clear cell phone policy and guidelines for its use in the classroom is essential.

Building positive relationships with students is a crucial aspect of delivering lessons smoothly and fostering a social-emotional environment. Here are some ways to cultivate strong relationships with students:

  • Greet each student warmly by name.
  • Show interest in their lives, asking about after-school activities or family, and actively listen to demonstrate genuine engagement.
  • Recognize and praise their achievements, providing encouragement when they feel frustrated with tasks.
  • Acknowledge and praise their positive actions, linking observed prosocial behavior to a specific value. For example, when students share their notes with classmates, emphasize their demonstration of collaboration and care for others.
  • Inquire about their interests and hobbies.
  • Share appropriate jokes or funny videos at the end of lessons.
  • Incorporate educational games.
  • Share personal stories and be open to displaying vulnerability. Students appreciate knowing that their teacher is human.
  • Involve students in classroom procedures, as they may surprise you with their talents and skills.

Furthermore, if teachers aim to set a positive tone in the classroom, they can:

  • Create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Establish a calm and organized opening routine from the first day, ensuring students are prepared for the day's learning and can work efficiently throughout the period.
  • Clearly communicate expectations.
  • Provide opportunities for students to express themselves and establish personalized connections.
  • Demonstrate accountability.
  • Maintain a calm demeanor and communicate clearly.

Additionally, teachers should proactively plan for differentiation to accommodate diverse learners in their classrooms. They should consider the interests, readiness, and learning profiles of students when differentiating content, process, products, and the learning environment. Adapting teaching materials and resources to meet individual learning objectives and promoting academic growth through assistive devices are essential strategies.

Communication with parents and guardians is another crucial element for teachers to consider. Building strong communication channels fosters trust, esteem, and openness between parents, students, and educators. Teachers should approach interactions with parents respectfully, with kindness, and warmth. It is important to not only highlight students' accomplishments but also address and resolve any concerns parents may raise. Providing monthly written reports on student performance and behavior, either in person or through electronic means, can facilitate effective communication with parents.

Teachers should continuously reflect on their practices, adapting to the evolving conditions and needs to solve problems effectively. They should also embrace new challenges and adopt innovative educational practices to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements. Cultivating a growth mindset within themselves enables them to foster the same mindset in their students.

References: Tomlinson, C. A. (2017). How to differentiate instruction in academically diverse classrooms. ASCD.


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