NOCN ESOL International Convention

Last month, November 10th, we had the chance to meet friends, colleagues and dear fellow education travellers in a very warm place in Neo Heraklion with one basic thing in mind; the most effective teaching, evaluation and assessment of the English Language. We envisioned, re-envisioned, inspired, got inspired and discussed. We shared ideas and got to know each other better. In short, this event had it all!

The previous reference is, of course, on the highly successful NOCN ESOL International Convention organized by GlobalCert at the Polis Culture & Education Complex.

The convention topic was highly motivating for teachers that wish to make a difference in English Language Teaching:

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Our day began with warm smiles and a warm cup of coffee and continued with a short welcoming introduction from Christine Tsatsaba, GlobalCert President & ESOL Director, who also thoroughly presented the NOCN exams and explained why they are so widely adopted by numerous schools around Greece and literally the whole world!

The Convention went on with three insightful presentations:

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The presenters were really awe-inspiring and the presentations gave us a lot of practical tips but at the same time lots of food for thought on ways to become better educators.

The warm audience participated in all tasks the presenters had included in their presentations and the general impression of the academic part of the event was excellent as it included both practical and theoretical ideas that can definitely be adopted by all schools and teachers.

After the presentations we all had a couple of bites and a glass of wine or refreshment drinks and enjoyed the rest of the day together, also having a chance to take a look at some of the materials some sponsors had brought for us. We got free copies of NOCN Practice Test Books from Archer Books, Grivas Publications, Express Publishing and Hamilton House.

A really good way to end a highly productive day! Wouldn’t you think so?

NOCN Exams and GlobalCert really nailed it and achieved to organize an event from teachers to teachers. An event full of positive messages that inspired ideas on how to make a difference and challenge the old, traditional concept we all have in mind as far as testing is concerned. Instead of the boring and stressful testing system of most of the language assessment certifications, NOCN exams focus on a stress-free, positive-assessment and dyslexia-friendly way, taking the students and their unique needs into consideration. That is the message we derived from the presentations and that is the main idea behind the creation of the NOCN exams.

We hope that 2023 will bring more such events. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!



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